Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our Tradition?

When a bird becomes ready for flight, the bird does not ask how other birds fly, but simply flaps its wings until it is airborne.
The same applies to mammal babies who begin to crawl then when they feel their legs are strong enough, they begin to walk.

As we grow older and begin to interact with our community we start to accept its tradition as ours. Tradition is a defense mechanism shared by a community to protect it from external and internal dangers. However, Tradition, over the years has become more detrimental to the global community. Human Beings are the smartest of all animals, and for many years continued to discover new things and live life based of their present. With the "Present" being the feelings YOU feel now.

What we see now is a community where people cannot make decisions without referring to what people in the past have done when faced with the same situation. You have probably realized by now that then you would have been living YOUR life the way someone else would live THEIR life!!! And not the way YOU would live yours!

This is the one reason relationships continue to fail and conflicts prevail.
Below you will find a list of thoughts people have that cause tradition to be a factor in 'relationships' and 'conflicts.'


1. Women rarely approach Men because they BELIEVE they will look "easy to get." Hey Ladies, you could be missing out on something good. Your gut says yes? Then go for it!

2. Men always feel they have to be Macho and stick to the famous phrase "Bros over Hoes." Well guys, how much longer you think she is going to wait?

3. I'll wait for Him/Her to text/call first. I shouldn't text Him/Her this, I'll look desperate. No kissing on the first date, fine on the second date. Is He/She a TEN(dime)? "Guys, live out your feelings, if that person meshes with them, you'll be good.

NOTE: Most people continue to ask these questions, how many times have you tried this and come to the same conclusion? Which is back to square 1 with someone else asking the same questions?

1. He is Christian/Muslim/Jew, He/She can never understand what we are talking about or He/She is nothing like us so avoid them. "FYI, that person may know more."

2. He/She is Gay, they are going to Hell. "Bear in mind that God judges based on His standards."

3. I will go to Heaven for killing Non-Believers. "You are just carrying out the belief of someone who believes that. Why does the person who sends and pays other people to blow themselves UP!! Not want to go to HEAVEN too? He is still alive right?"

NOTE: Even though the Bible/Koran/Torah was written from inspiration from God, it was interpreted by Man!
Why is it a rule for women in some religions to not show their hair and body in public? Because some MEN felt it worried their faith? Well maybe they weren't as strong as they needed to be, but because of them, women in some parts of the world get stoned for trying to live their lives.

"The Lord works through us, He does this by evoking emotions within us. Who are we to let others dictate how we listen to the Spirit?"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What 'WE' Are Not Used To

Religion and Faith
Believed to be the only way by believers
Nonsense by the wise
Important tool for control by leaders

Faith is the blind walk on a dangerous road, with the hope that the end shall be met.
Conformity to the rules and regulations is need to claim the faith of any religion. defines Conformity as:
*An action in accord with prevailing social standards, attitudes, practices,etc.
*Compliance or Acquiescence; Obedience.

Religion was sent to man through the understanding of great prophets.
Great men who had an understanding for life.
This day and time sees men who would rather be fed than feed.
The fastpaced life designed to simplify everything.
Leaves no time for discovery of ones purpose or self.

God forbid the man who decides to step out of this model of life.
To achieve a greater self, and to be labeled a man of understanding.
He becomes an outcast because his life is not in accordance with the accepted belief.
Cannot conform, therefore, is Insane/Derranged.

Derranged defined by
*A person disordered/ dissarranged.

The moment he falls out of the worker bee line, he is labeled and forgotten.

Until that moment when He becomes Great.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

In My MIND TODAY! 05/12/09

GOD first, then my family!!! For them I shall sweat and with my bare fingers shall I cultivate the soil the Lord has blessed me with. Harvest my blessing for everyone in the world to enjoy. Blessed to bless. A vision ahead, with a path revealed with every step!! I STAND ABOVE!! LORD THANK YOU!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009


Contentment is not having what we want, but rather, being happy and satisfied with what we already have.
My whole life was based around material wealth. I was under the impression that to be of value I needed to possess the latest and most expensive items. I was defined by the clothes and shoes I wore, the gadgets I owned, and the number of high profile women I could get. It became an obsession and a battle to maintain this status; "THE GUY WHO HAD IT ALL, MR ALL THAT."
Everything that other people classified as worthy, I needed to have or to be! It took a very detailed observation of my life to actually see what I was becoming. The following is what I noticed, look in your life and if you notice these things too, its time to work on it.
1. I needed to have all the nice, expensive, and popular designer shoes.
2. I had to have different colored clothes to match every single one of my shoes.
3. I had to always be on my cell phone talking to someone esp a girl.
4. If there was a new version of my cell phone, laptop, game console, sneakers, or clothes, I needed to have it ASAP!!
5. I always had to live up to the hype.
6. Had to do what the BIG BOYS were doing.
7. A majority of all my clothes still had tags on them, made me feel like my worth was increasing.
8. All my friends had to be the POPULAR people.

Being content now meant,
1. Talking to people I wanted to talk to.
2. Wearing only clothes I felt comfortable in and buying only the amount I needed.
3. Balancing my life(will talk about that in a later post).
4. Losing contact with people I was just trying to impress, making time for the people who actually mattered.
5. Learning to be humble, in every setting.
6. Using my stuff till I exhausted all potential use.
7. Occupying my time with things that would help people and not just myself.
8. Defining myself from within.

What holds you prisoner in this world?!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Sometimes it is necessary to overlook direct commands and the rules and regulations of society to achieve GREATNESS.

The human image matters a great deal to many, but life must be lived from an image from within. Whatever the internal image is, is what the external image replicates.
Our THOUGHTS become our WORDS/ Our WORDS become our ACTIONS/ Our ACTIONS become our HABITS/ Our HABITS become our CHARACTER/ Our CHARACTER becomes our DESTINY.

And if it is already written why do we try to do anything to change it?!

Thinking thoughts of constant judgment, cause people to judge others based on areas of their lives that they are not satisfied with. eg
WOMEN-appearance of other women(clothes, shoes, make-up, fingers, jewelry, looks, body, AND MANY MORE)
MEN- Strength, body size, ability to talk and get girls, athleticism, MONEY.

When such thoughts go uncontrolled, they follow a cycle called DRAMA!!!
This cycle starts of with finding things about a yourself you are not satisfied with, then moves on to constant judgment and comparison of this believed defect to others, if there are enough people to validate the true existence of this defect, any comment that is made in relation to this defect leads to anger and resentment, even if it was in good faith because all comments are perceived as negative in this stage of the cycle. The last phase is when the person tries to get people to reverse their belief of this defect by persistently asking questions like "who is prettier?/do you like me?/what are we now?/I'm I good enough?" any answer is not good enough. BUT "NO" MAKES YOU AN ENEMY and a TARGET.. to be cont.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My people cry tears and tears.. I cry with them, I understand their struggle. I live their struggle. Opportunity came, now a light is to shine. From high above, came the star. Down to grant liberty.. I am that I AM TO BE!! I STAND ABOVE!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wingless Angels**

Angel-"a person who performs a mission of God or acts as if sent by God: an angel of man.
Church taught me that Angels were winged-giants who fought against demons and carried out the work of God. It is also believed that they are assigned to every individual to guard and protect. However it has become clear to me that an WE ARE ALL ANGELS.
God, made us with the capability to become angels when we have to be. The only difference between us and the angels we know of is our heart. The heart is what gives us the wings we need to lift our neighbors up and away from harm.
Everything that happens in this world is being controlled by GOD, we find ourselves in situations and place due to GOD's planning. We come across people to learn from them be it theory, practice, or experiences, and in most cases we use what we learn later in our lives.
The best way to see the ANGELS in your life is to change the way you look at life. THIS IS HOW!! THE MOMENT SOMETHING GOES WRONG IN YOUR LIFE TRY
1. See it as a stepping stone and not a stumbling block in your life.
2. Look out for the advice and help you get from people.
3. When things become better, analyze and pin point how you managed overcome whatever it was.
4. Who or what helped you?
5. How did you meet that person?

It will go to show you that, even though you might meet someone who might not show any potential in helping you in your life, there is a POSSIBILITY that the impact they will make in your life will come later in your life. Treat everyone as your angel.

We were born angels, our heart holds our wings, when do you intend to unleash your potential?! TREAT EVERYONE THE WAY YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED!!! THEIR WINGS MIGHT ONE DAY SHIELD YOU FROM HARM!!